Friday, February 25, 2011


I have been waiting for this day for most of the week...the knowledge that this day would eventually come was the only thing that kept what little sanity I have left intact.  This week has been interesting to say the least...there have been times when murder has seemed like a very good idea.Many a dark thought has occupied my mind and my little inner light has been deeply traumatized. My mental state has really not been of the most stable and I have found that a nervous little twitch has become my friend. So now I am in some desperate need of rest and relaxation so that my chi may once more reach some state of balance. My chakra needs to start flowing properly again :) My plans for the weekend include a lot of de-stressing; some much needed sleep and just some general laziness. Hopefully with all of that amount of nothing my inner strength will be restored and I will be all fired up for next week :) 

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